Advancing WWF's Global Goals in Central America

© Antonio Busiello / WWF-Guatemala/Mesoamerica


WWF's work addresses two main challenges: conserving critical places and species that are important to protecting the earth's biodiversity; and minimizing the negative impact of human activities to ensure that nature can continue to provide life giving resources, like water, land, and air.

Regional efforts support WWF' s global goals with a strategic focus on the key issues affecting people and nature in Central America. Working from "ridge-to­-reef", our strategic approaches span the highlands to the coast and marine areas. We protect freshwater sources in the upper-watersheds, promote smart farming, improve land use planning and development along the coasts, support sustainable fisheries and restore marine ecosystems. Achieving our vision of a sustainable future hinges on our unique role as a solutions-oriented, collaborative organization that builds from a strong core of science and works at all levels of society to promote change.


WWF, together with existing and new partners, is transforming the way we work. We are driving powerful and influential partnerships, innovative solutions, sustainable financing, in-depth monitoring and large-scale mobilization of people.

From numerous initiatives, priority areas and priority species, the entire WWF Network is working towards six major goals. As WWF Guatemala / Mesoamerica, we are fousing on five of those goals - oceans, water, food, climate & energy, and wildlife – and three key drivers of environmental problems – markets, finance and governance.

As a Network, we are organizing ourselves around communities of practice with one for each goal and driver. We are becoming more focused and more targeted in our efforts, while building on the interconnectedness of each of these issues within the global agenda. WWF will bring the weight of its unique local-to- global Network to bear and drive these issues forward cohesively.

WWF's global mission is to stop the degradation of our planet's natural environment, and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:

• Conserving the world’s biological diversity
• Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
• Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption

These efforts are focused under two ambitious goals:

2050 Biodiversity Goal 

By 2050, the integrity of the most outstanding natural places on Earth is conserved, contributing to a more secure and sustainable future for all.

2050 Footprint Goal 

By 2050, humanity's global footprint stays within the Earth's capacity to sustain life and the natural resources of our planet are shared equitably.


Central America is a region of outstanding biodiversity. Within this region WWF dedicates special priority to two ecoregions that support unique biodiversity and endemic species and upon which the well-being of communities is highly dependent.

Mesoamerican Reef System
Known as the jewel of the Caribbean, the Mesoamerican Reef includes the world’s second longest barrier reef, and is a rich tapestry of coral reefs, mangrove forests, coastal wetlands and diverse marine life.

Eastern Pacific Ocean 
The Eastern Pacific Ocean Ecoregion provides habitat for endangered marine turtle species and is home to biodiverse-rich mangrove forests that serves as important nesting sites for myriad bird species.