Kunming Plan for nature and people

© Antonio Busiello / WWF
©: WWF

Nature positive by 2030: Kunming plan for nature and people 2021-2030

The Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 (2020) has shown that countries have collectively failed to fully meet any of the Aichi targets. The report concludes that insufficient commitment is at the root of this failure. In response to this planetary emergency, world leaders came together to express their commitments and determinations at the United Nations Summit
on Biodiversity in September 2020, with the largest number of political leaders ever gathering to discuss responses to the loss of biodiversity. At the same time, Heads of State and Government from over 65 countries from all regions of the world, and the President of the European Commission, endorsed the Leaders' Pledge for Nature, to unite their effort to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 for sustainable development.
This discussion paper, the Kunming Plan for Nature and People, presents WWF’s proposals for a transformative, comprehensive and measurable post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework that would be ready for implementation immediately after its adoption. We hope that the document will be helpful and inspire Parties to design and adopt a framework that delivers for Nature and People. We also hope that Parties take on board a key lesson from GBO5, namely that it is imperative the framework is supported by a whole-of-government approach, led by the highest level of government.