The Clean Caribbean project, implemented by WWF Mesoamerica, is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). This project has two mechanisms for receiving and responding to complaints from individuals or groups that may be affected by activities supported by WWF Mesoamerica.
The first mechanism is implemented by WWF Mesoamerica, while the second is implemented by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of Germany. These mechanisms reflect our Values and our commitment to Ethics, Integrity and Good Conduct.
Complaints should be directed to WWF Mesoamerica through the following channels:
WWF Mesoamerica, Attention: Reclamos de Proyectos, 19 ave. 5-01 zona 15, Vista Hermosa 1, Guatemala, Guatemala.
WWF Mesoamerica, Attention: Reclamos de Proyectos, Instalaciones de la FHIA, Contiguo al Instituto Patria. La Lima, Cortes, Honduras
WhatsApp: +502 5414-8263
All claims must include the following information:
The complaint may be submitted in English or Spanish.
In addition, you can visit for more details on how to file a complaint with IKI.
IKI's Independent Complaints Mechanism works around the world to help resolve problems related to IKI projects. Any individual or group of individuals, or a community that has been or may be adversely affected by an IKI project can file a complaint. Also, individuals may report integrity and/or corruption issues, such as misappropriation of funds, fraud, etc., if they wish to do so.
Last but not least, if individuals suffer retaliation in relation to an IKI project or a complaint, they can also use this channel. The affected person(s) can authorize a representative to file and process the complaint on their behalf.
Complaints should include the following information:
WWF is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and ethics in the places where we work and in our activities. Your complaint will be handled with respect and professionalism and we will seek a dignified solution.
The first mechanism is implemented by WWF Mesoamerica, while the second is implemented by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of Germany. These mechanisms reflect our Values and our commitment to Ethics, Integrity and Good Conduct.
Who can file a complaint about the Clean Caribbean project?
An "affected party" is any individual, group, or community that believes it has been or may be adversely affected by WWF Mesoamerica's failure to comply with WWF's principles and commitments in the design or implementation of WWF project activities. Any affected party may file a complaint. If the complaint is filed by representatives of the affected party, they must provide concrete evidence of having proper legal representation of the affected party. As this grievance resolution process is oriented towards direct dialogue and interaction between all parties, anonymous grievances will not be considered. However, the affected party may request that his or her complaint be treated confidentially. There is a risk that the request for confidentiality may limit the ability to resolve the complaint. If this is the case, the affected party will be informed that a request for confidentiality impedes the progress of the process.WWF Mesoamerica Complaint Filing Process
WWF Mesoamerica's complaint submission and resolution process is overseen by a WWF Mesoamerica team.Complaints should be directed to WWF Mesoamerica through the following channels:
WWF Mesoamerica, Attention: Reclamos de Proyectos, 19 ave. 5-01 zona 15, Vista Hermosa 1, Guatemala, Guatemala.
WWF Mesoamerica, Attention: Reclamos de Proyectos, Instalaciones de la FHIA, Contiguo al Instituto Patria. La Lima, Cortes, Honduras
WhatsApp: +502 5414-8263
All claims must include the following information:
- Name and contact information of the affected party.
- If the claim is not filed by the affected party directly, information supporting the legal representation of those representing the affected party
- The specific Project to which the claim relates, including geographic location
- Description of the harm the project is producing or could produce
- WWF's social policy relevant to the claim (if known)
- Any other relevant information or documents supporting the complaint (e.g. date of the event)
- Any action that has been taken to date (if any) to resolve the problem, including prior contact with WWF
- Proposed solutions
- Whether confidentiality treatment is being requested (stating the reason).
The complaint may be submitted in English or Spanish.
Process for filing a complaint with IKI
Anyone who believes that they have been affected by a project financed with German government funds including IKI, or who wishes to report acts of corruption or misuse of funds, may file a complaint with the IKI Independent Complaints Mechanism at addition, you can visit for more details on how to file a complaint with IKI.
IKI's Independent Complaints Mechanism works around the world to help resolve problems related to IKI projects. Any individual or group of individuals, or a community that has been or may be adversely affected by an IKI project can file a complaint. Also, individuals may report integrity and/or corruption issues, such as misappropriation of funds, fraud, etc., if they wish to do so.
Last but not least, if individuals suffer retaliation in relation to an IKI project or a complaint, they can also use this channel. The affected person(s) can authorize a representative to file and process the complaint on their behalf.
Complaints should include the following information:
- Name, location and type of IKI project related to the complaint.
- Description of the complaint and the harm caused or likely to be caused.
- Description of the relationship between the harm caused or likely to be caused and the IKI project activities.
- Name, address and other contact details, as well as information on the level of confidentiality to be maintained. The complainant may also decide to remain anonymous, although in this case the panel may not be able to use all of its tools.
- If possible, the following information should also be provided:
- Relevant information related to or relevant to the complaint (e.g., copies of documents, media reports, photos, video recordings, voice recordings);
- Summary of actions (e.g., legal action, access to other grievance mechanisms and/or dispute resolution procedures, contact with implementing organization) planned or already taken to resolve the issue, including prior recourse or attempts to contact project officials at the local level or to use project-based grievance mechanisms;
- Name(s) of the employee(s) of the implementing organization with whom the complainant(s) had contact (if applicable).
WWF is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and ethics in the places where we work and in our activities. Your complaint will be handled with respect and professionalism and we will seek a dignified solution.