Fieldtrip to analyze behaviors related to solid waste

Posted on
02 May 2024
Last week, as part of the actions of the Clean Caribbean Project, representatives of WWF Mesoamerica, alongside with the Behavioural Insights Team, visited the eight cities that are prioritized by the project. The purpose of the trip was to identify key behaviors of the citizens and their relation with solid waste, as well as to analyze strategic points, and thus develop a strategy that advocates to reduce the plastics that reach the Mesoamerican Reef.

Behavioural Insights Team participates as an allied to WWF Mesoamerica, to design the behavior change strategy for the people of the cities stated above, so they can change their habits about how they dispose their solid waste. The strategic locations were visited in the cities of Guatemala, Teculutan, Gualan, Puerto Barrios, in Guatemala; and Puerto Cortes, San Pedro Sula, Choloma, and El Progreso, in Honduras, since those are located in the basins of the Motagua, Chamelecon and Ulua Rivers; rivers that drag plastics and other residues to the Caribbean Sea. The information was collected using the Focus Group techniques, as well as observations on the field. The tour was co-hosted by the representatives of the municipalities of each participating city.

With the collected data, a communication for behavior-change strategy Will be designed, which Will be implemented with specific activities that aim to reduce the number of plastics in the Mesoamerican Reef.