Guatemalan Government committed to conserve water reserves

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20 February 2020
The Government of Guatemala recognized the importance of conserving water reserves and among other agreements, committed to strengthen institutional capacities on related matters.  It also agreed to propose instruments to protect and conserve watershed, mainly the ones located within water reserves, which are strategic for water security and climate change adaptation in the country.  This commitment was conducted based on a scientific study developed by WWF Mesoamerica called “Identification and prioritization of strategic water reserves in Guatemala”.

According to Guatemalan authorities, “among the main contributions of this scientific study is the solid based science input that allows to underpin and support the elaboration of strategic instrument to manage water security and guide the integrated water resource management, considering the assignation of water for the environment.”

The methodology and preliminary map of strategic water reserves for Guatemala were validated during different technical meetings with representatives From government agencies linked to the topic, including the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources  (MARN); Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH); National Forests Institute (INAB); Guatemala's National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP); and the National Geography Institute (IGN).

These entities signed the agreement that encompasses the abovementioned, where they also imply:
•   Their recognizing of the importance of this scientific contribution made by WWF Mesoamerica to establish and prioritize strategic water reserves for the country, since it will facilitate decision making for integrated watershed management, water security, natural resources and biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation;
•   Having known the methodology and preliminary map for its validation with units and technical departments within each institution;
•   Their commitment to work together to identify, manage and implement actions that will strengthen institutional capacities on related matters; propose instruments and technical mechanisms that will facilitate the protection and conservation of watersheds; facilitate actions to conserve, protect, manage or restore priority micro watersheds; collaborate with  MARN and other agencies in strengthening the related legal framework and jointly develop fundraising proposals to reach the objectives of water reserves conservation.