A training programme on cleaner production as a tool for integrated watersheds management was issued

Posted on
11 July 2019
A training program on cleaner production as a tool for integrated watersheds management was recently launched as part of the Cleaner Production and Private Sector Alliance program, which is financed by the United States Department of State and implemented by WWF Guatemala / Mesoamerica, together with the Cleaner Production Centers from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama. This training program was produced through an agreement with the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA).

One of the project’s main objectives is to strengthen the relevant competencies for environmental management, through the collaborative work between universities and the private sector. Hence, this programme was developed to be conducted through the universities in the region.  This learning tool seeks to strengthen the capacities of professors and professionals so that they may contribute directly to improving the sustainable management, particularly in micro, small and medium size businesses.

This academic activity is developed and designed considering foresting cleaner production in micro, small and medium size businesses.  It integrates other topics such as integrated water management, climate variability, reducing negative impacts through the productive process and sustainable management that, together, will provide the professor a holistic vision for the achievement of a general competency.
The integration of these topics is addressed through seven modules that are developed through theory and application with case studies and a final practical exercise for a total of 90 hours (two Central American academic credits) that include presence work and independent work.

The programme is available at http://www.csuca.org