Progress in cleaner production practices in Central America


Progress in cleaner production practices in Central America

The adoption of Cleaner Production (CP) practices and technologies is progressing in prioritized watersheds of the North triangle and Panama through the “Cleaner Production and Private Sector” program.  This initiative is being implemented by WWF Guatemala / Mesoamerica and the National Cleaner Production Centers (NCPCs) in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama.

The Cleaner Production and Private Sector Partnership works with micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) for the improvement of the adoption of Cleaner Production (CP) practices and technologies by supporting partnerships between universities, MSMEs and CP Centers resulting in the adoption of measurable CP practices by MSMEs, while enhancing training opportunities for students.  

The project builds upon the previous success of the work within the framework of the Environmental Cooperation Agreements of the Free Trade Agreements (CAFTA-DR and Panama FTA), including Pathways to Cleaner Production in the Americas and Cleaner Production Private Sector Partnerships. The project is taking place in watersheds of Acelhuate in El Salvador, Motagua in Guatemala, Chamelecón in Honduras, and Panama Canal in Panama.

To date, the following progress has been successfully achieved:

  • Five signed MOUs with universities, three in Guatemala (Universidad Rural, Universidad Rafael Landivar and Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala) and two in Honduras (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras in the Valle de Sula  and Universidad Católica de Honduras Campus San Pedro Sula-San Pablo) to strengthen Cleaner Production and Energy Efficiency capacity in university teachers, students and MSMEs.
  • WWF built capacity on NCPC personnel on integrated watershed management (16 participants).
  • 173 students y 13 university teachers trained in Cleaner Production.
  • Three signed MOUs with MSMEs in Honduras: RECIGROUP, Microenvases and Hotel Casa del Arbol to expand the adoption of Cleaner Production and Energy Efficiency in MSMEs.
  • Two students participating in In Plant Assessments in MSMEs in Honduras through internships.