Recently, the Clean Caribbean project, which is being implemented by WWF Mesoamerica together with strategic partners from Honduras and Guatemala, hosted an inception workshop in the week of January 29th. This was the framework to begin with the actions that the project will promote to reduce the number of plastics and other solid residues that reach the Mesoamerican Reef carried by the rivers Motagua in Guatemala, and Ulua and Chamelecon in Honduras.
The workshop welcomed participants representing the eight Town Halls of the cities that will participate in the project: Gualan, Teculutan, Puerto Barrios, and Guatemala City (Guatemala), as well as El Progreso, Puerto Cortes, San Pedro Sula and Choloma (Honduras). Other strategic partners such as the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Guatemala (MARN), the Secretary of Natural Resources and Environment of Honduras (SERNA), Rana Labs, CREADE, Sustainable Development Network, and Behavioral Insights Team, joined the event.
The project will be developed until March 2027 and aims to impact more than 300,000 people in both participating countries. The project will have a component to achieve positive changes in the behavior of the citizens of the cities listed above; will promote actions towards Extended Producers Responsibility, will implement interventions in circular economy, and will strengthen the capacities of local governments, among other activities.
Attendees learned more about the work methodology and the regulations of the project. Alongside, they contributed with ideas, experience, and knowledge to strengthen the work areas of Clean Caribbean.
The workshop welcomed participants representing the eight Town Halls of the cities that will participate in the project: Gualan, Teculutan, Puerto Barrios, and Guatemala City (Guatemala), as well as El Progreso, Puerto Cortes, San Pedro Sula and Choloma (Honduras). Other strategic partners such as the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Guatemala (MARN), the Secretary of Natural Resources and Environment of Honduras (SERNA), Rana Labs, CREADE, Sustainable Development Network, and Behavioral Insights Team, joined the event.
The project will be developed until March 2027 and aims to impact more than 300,000 people in both participating countries. The project will have a component to achieve positive changes in the behavior of the citizens of the cities listed above; will promote actions towards Extended Producers Responsibility, will implement interventions in circular economy, and will strengthen the capacities of local governments, among other activities.
Attendees learned more about the work methodology and the regulations of the project. Alongside, they contributed with ideas, experience, and knowledge to strengthen the work areas of Clean Caribbean.